
Time Spent


Program Guide (PDF)

3D Teacher And Student Pre School Girl Speaking
3D School Elements Composition Stacked Books and Coffee Cup
3D School Elements Composition Books Toga and Clock
3D Teacher And Student Pre School Boy Speaking

Welcome Message

From our Head of School

From our Program Director

Program Focus

3D Floating Element Magnifying Glass
3D Floating Element Whistle
3D Floating Element Heart
3D Teacher And Student Grade Boy Reading


신앙생활 훈련과 경건한 습관

Academic Growth

학습 능력 향상


신체적, 정서적 건강

Drop Shadow
Drop Shadow
Drop Shadow
3D Floating Element Folder

Dream Christian Academy

We provide After-School Program for our next generation to spend meaningful time after school that focuses on their academic growth, physical health, socio-emotional health, and most importantly, their Spiritual Development.

우리 다음세대 아이들이 의미있는 방과 후 시간을 보내고 학업과 신체적 건강, 정서적 건강, 그리고 가장 중요한 신앙교육을 위해 After-School 프로그램을 제공합니다.

Program Offering

3D School Elements Object Toga Hat
Drop Shadow

Instructional Expertise

(전문적인 지도)

Detailed Data Analysis, Instructional Program, and Parental Coaching by a

Texas Public School Principal

3D Floating Element Padlock
Drop Shadow

Safe Learning


(안전한 교육 환경)

Safe church building, classrooms, instructors, and culture - free of violence, bullying, or judgement.

3D Floating Element Office Box With Random Things
Drop Shadow



(토탈케어 양육)

Program the focuses on the comprehensive development of Academics, overall health, and Spiritual growth.

Program Detail

Brain Analytics

Individualized Learning, Major, and Career Consulting for Students and Parents using Brain Analytics Technology

뇌인지 성향 분석을 통한

개인화 맞춤법 교육 및 상담

3D Education Object Knowledge Brain and Book
Academic Support

Homework Support

1:1/Small Group Tutor

Remediation (보충수업)

Acceleration (선행학습)

3D School Elements Composition Flatlay Materials
Cognitive Growth

Classical Text Reading

(고전기반 독해력 프로그램)

Creative Writing

Daily Reflective Journal

Light bulb 3D illustration
Physical Health

Various Sports and

Team Play Activities

Daily Healthy Snacks

다양한 운동 프로그램과

건강한 간식 제공

3d sport tools icon illustration
3D Music Notes
Socio Emotional

Socio-Emotional Learning with Art and Music Program

미술과 음악 프로그램을 통한 정서적 발달 교육

3d art palette with brush.
Faith Based

Self-Disciplined Bible Reading and Prayer

Worship and Fellowship

자기주도적 성경읽기, 기도

찬양과 나눔의 시간

3D Bible Book Illustration

Program Fee

Simple month to month, no long-term requirement or fees.

5 Day Program

(Monday - Friday)

(3:30pm - 6:30pm)

$400 / Month

3 Day Program

(3 Days a Week)

(3:30pm - 6:30pm)

$300 / Month

Our Promise

Students who participate in our program will have a better understanding of who they are, what they enjoy, and what the love doing. With the individualized care and instruction, our students will grow academically, physically, socio-emotionally, and spiritually.

저희 프로그램과 함께하는 학생들은 자신이

누구인지, 내가 어떠한 관심이 있고 무엇을 하기

좋아하는지에 대한 더 깊은 이해를 갖게 됩니다.

개인화된 지도와 양육을 통해 저희 학생들은 인지적, 신체적, 정서적, 그리고 신앙적으로 성장합니다.

3D Teacher And Student Teacher Pointing






Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

3D Floating Element Paper Plane



Email 3D Icon
Call 3D Render Illustration - Interface
Store Location 3D illustration


3D Floating Element Calendar
3D Floating Element Star

Support Available:

in English

한국어 문의/상담

Se habla español

Pick-up available

3D School Elements Object Book
3D School Elements Object Globe